Friday, February 6, 2009

Open Letter

Hello everyone, I am writing because there seems to be quite the backlash from my mass messaging about our wedding blog. I would like it to be known that it was not targeted at anyone in particular, face book only allows you to send a message to 20 people at a time and some family members tend to fall one after the other in my face book contact list. The content of the message, was automatically populated based off of the latest post on the blog, it was not a message targeted at the people we love who may be "conservatives". It is no surprise, that Philip and I are politically liberal, we believe that Same-Sex Marriage should be legal, and that it is within our constitutional rights as Americans. We financially support organizations that help fight for those rights, we are political people. That said, we did not intend to ostracize those who may disagree, we respect the variety of opinions; which is why we choose to remain in relationship with people who are different from us, we value diversity of ideology and try to remain open to dialogue. 

As our wedding approaches these differences become more clear, and many questions are raised about how far one takes their support of us as a couple when they politically or religiously oppose our union. Frankly, we want to be surrounded by people on that day that love us, and will choose to help hold us accountable to remain in relationship whatever may come; who want to celebrate with us. We take no offense to those who choose not to come, and will be inviting based on relationship, not on political stance or faith. 

in peace, Paul and Philip

Thursday, February 5, 2009

caterers getting my goose

I have a beef with caterers. 

When I am teaching selling at work I always talk about two key things, 1) selling from the top price point down, start with the best and then tailor down to the persons budget or need. And 2) Never ask anyone their budget, when you ask a potential client to articulate their limit from the get go you make them think about how much they ARENT going to spend, how much they can spend and instantly limit the options. 

The caterers are really getting me worked up to a boil! when from the beginning they want my limit. Why don't you just ask me what I want- what my creme de la creme ideal is? If your bid is too savory and expensive, we can trim the fat. When I tell you I want to spend 75/person, you just missed your chance to sell me a gorgeous perfect dinner that might have cost 82/person...

That said I can't wait to narrow it down and go tasting! If anyone knows any nice gay caterers I would appreciate their contact info. I'm starting to boil over the fact that all these people that might vote against legalizing gay marriage will happily take our gay marriage money. 

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

tying the "not"

Here are the top ten things, we will NOT be doing at our Not Wedding, Wedding...

1. We will NOT have a bachelorette party.
2. We will NOT have a cake cutting.
3. We will NOT have a money dance. (though money will be accepted happily)
4. We will NOT dance. Unless Lars wants to, and Britney performs live. 
5. We will NOT wear boutonnieres.
6. We will NOT have family portraits with everyone in awkward lines.
7. We will NOT have those little creamy mints.
8. We will NOT have tulle.
9. No one will sing "From this Moment"
10. We will NOT use any tulle...

I'm tired of calling it a Not Wedding...i just say that to make conservatives more comfortable. Everyone else calls it a wedding, caterers, florists, and party planning people...i keep saying "oh, its not a wedding" or "i use the term "wedding" loosely"...My clever responses are getting to hard to's a wedding. And because it is a wedding i have decided to post a photo of our table layout.....drum roll.