Thursday, February 5, 2009

caterers getting my goose

I have a beef with caterers. 

When I am teaching selling at work I always talk about two key things, 1) selling from the top price point down, start with the best and then tailor down to the persons budget or need. And 2) Never ask anyone their budget, when you ask a potential client to articulate their limit from the get go you make them think about how much they ARENT going to spend, how much they can spend and instantly limit the options. 

The caterers are really getting me worked up to a boil! when from the beginning they want my limit. Why don't you just ask me what I want- what my creme de la creme ideal is? If your bid is too savory and expensive, we can trim the fat. When I tell you I want to spend 75/person, you just missed your chance to sell me a gorgeous perfect dinner that might have cost 82/person...

That said I can't wait to narrow it down and go tasting! If anyone knows any nice gay caterers I would appreciate their contact info. I'm starting to boil over the fact that all these people that might vote against legalizing gay marriage will happily take our gay marriage money. 

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