Wednesday, January 28, 2009

to cake or not to cake..that is the question

We are completely stuck about whether or not to have a "wedding" cake. On the one hand, we feel like we might be missing out on great cake-in-face photos but on the other, isn't the cake hype a little too wedding-ish (aka. for the bride). 

Paul suggested that we get a fruit cake, and mock the tradition. If more people liked fruit cake I would totally spring for it. Initially cake was on the "not" list, especially after i found gay cake toppers online for $ 400.00! Although, there is something charming and likable about those two little grooms perched up there...

according to, the wedding cake history is as follows, 

'Certainly the Romans were not in the habit of baking elaborate or elegant wedding cakes with buttercream icing and custom wedding-cake toppers. Usually they used loaves of wheat bread. The loaf of bread was broken over the heads of the newlyweds to bring them luck and prosperity. Sometimes it was broken only over the bride’s head, usually by the groom.

The crumbs of wedding cake, that landed on the floor symbolized good luck and fertility for the bride and groom, and it was considered good luck for guests to eat the crumbs of "wedding cake". Single women scrambled for the grains to ensure their own betrothals.'

Paul will flip about this, because wheat bread is his favorite, and it has way less calories than wedding cake. i hope everyone is willing to eat our fertility crumbs off the sand...the website also mentions a change in tradition in the middle ages i was especially fond of. Apparently all the guest brought their own mini-cake, and they were stacked on top of each other. The bride and groom then had to try and kiss over the stack of mini-cakes.

with all that rich tradition, how will i ever sleep at night it we decide not to have one....

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